Here is my guide for how to travel from Nairobi in Kenya to Kampala in Uganda by land and cross the border, all based on my experience.
Ticket Fee: 3400 Kenyan Shillings for a VIP seat (highly recommended)
Travel Time: Around 13 hrs. depending on traffic and the number of people in line in passport control.
Travel Schedule: I took the 7:30 pm bus because I prefer overnight bus trips.
Border to Cross: Busia or Malaba
Road Profile: I was sleeping uninterrupted most of the time so I can conclude that the road must be generally comfortable
Bus Operator Used: Modern Coast
Major Requirements: Visa to be applied upon arrival in the border of Kampala to Uganda for 100 USD. Alternatively, East Africa tourist visa may also be applied upon arrival for the same cost.
1) For the bus taking you from Kenya to Uganda, it’s best to book your ticket at least a day before your intended departure to guarantee your seat. In my case, I booked 6hrs before my departure and I still got 1 of the 6 VIP seats available. Buses from Nairobi to Kampala leaves 1-3 times a day depending on the season. The journey takes around 13 hrs. or more depending on traffic and passport control processing times. I recommend taking the night trips because buses are not air-conditioned and it can be hot during the day. Also, it’s just more cozy to travel at night where you can sleep on the bus hence save on accommodation, and wake up to a new place in the morning. There are no sleeping cabins but the VIP seat is spacious and comfortable enough to recline in.
Below are some of the bus operators that you may contact to book your ticket. I have personally used Modern Coast and it’s quite nice:
Ticket cost as of February 2017: Around 2300 for the cheapest seat
2) The bus terminal is close, almost in the city center of Nairobi. You can hire a taxi to take you there. Alternatively, online booking should be possible but at times the payment system is unreliable. Check which options fit you best. I was told you can also call to make an initial reservation.

Modern Coast office in Nairobi where you can buy your ticket from Kenya to Uganda
3) The bus will likely pass through Kisumu and cross from Kenya to Uganda at the Busia border. From the Immigration side of Kenya, get off the bus along with everyone else and fall in line in passport control. They will simply stamp out your passport and your good to go. Make sure to bring your yellow fever certificate, photocopy of your passport, copy of return ticket, and all other similar documents just in case the immigration officers ask for it. Bring your pen too.
One advantage of booking a VIP seat is that you get to get off first and fall in line ahead of the others because the VIP seats are close to the bus doors.
4) From the exit, walk towards the Uganda Immigration side, which is about 100 meters away. There’s lighted signage so you should find your way easily. At the entrance is a guard who will hand you a white application form, which you can fill out while in line. There were quite many people in line from the other buses that I had to stand in line for the next 30 to 40 minutes.

Immigration side of Uganda
5) When it was my turn, I told the immigration officer that I would like to get an East Africa Visa. Note that East Africa Visa allows you entry in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda for 100 USD, multiple entries for 90 days. I was already in Nairobi when I found out about it so I wasted 50 USD for a separate Kenyan tourist visa.
I simply handed my passport, the filled out application form, and 100 USD payment. There were no other questions asked and I got my East Africa tourist visa label in just a few minutes.
6) Once done, you will see the bus outside waiting for all the passengers and you’ll be back on the road in no time.
7) Several people were getting off along the way after we entered Kampala that there were just a few of us who made it right at the bus terminal stop. From there, you can get a taxi (a term used for public vans) to your destination for 1000 Ugandan Shillings but unless you were given very clear instructions on how to reach your hostel via taxi then your best bet would be to hire a boda- boda (private motorbike taxi) so you can be dropped off right at the doorstep of your destination. This costs 4000 to 7000 shillings to anywhere in town.
8) I haven’t seen any private sedan taxi in Kampala so it’s best to pack light enough that you can take them all with you while taking the back ride of a motorbike.
9) There is a Modern Coast office right where our bus stopped to park. If you have questions, you can ask the employees manning the ticketing office and they should be able to help you without a hidden agenda.
Want to learn more about Uganda? Read our Uganda Country Guide.
Or read our Country Comparison Rwanda and Uganda.
Have your remaining Kenyan Shillings or some of your USD/ Euro exchanged in Ugandan Shillings when you cross the border from Kenya to Uganda. You should have at least 10,000 Ugandan shillings to pay for your boda-boda. The area where your bus will drop you off is safe but you are likely to be charged higher if you offer to pay in USD/ Euro.

At the bus station of Kampala in Uganda.

Beautiful View of Kampala City in Uganda.
There are plenty of private taxis everywhere. You just need to know the correct term for them, “special hire”.
Hello, am a Ugandan staying in Kenya. I have been using my ID to cross the border since, but I just got my Ugandan passport last month. However I didn’t use it at the border while coming back, am wondering where I can have it stamped and at how much.
ready to move inshaallah and how much from jinja to mombasa
when do you expect to resume cross border transport
Sorry not really sure 🙁 suggest check with tour operators
Hey Erika I wanna travel from Kampala to Nairobi by this month , do I need a covid certificate to cross boards ??
Hello am Christine and my boyfriend is traveling from Boston on 1september is it possible for him to pass through Kenya then to Uganda. And what will that take
Hello. Can I ask . Is the kenya -Uganda border open July 7. Can i travel to uganda or is the border closed
Hello am John from Kenya,I want to travel from Nairobi to Kampala,pliz help me where to obtain yellow fever certificate,and if the bus departures from m,what is the arrival time due to security issues,it will be my first time,then where can I change ksh into ug shillings?Thank you.
Hi John! Sorry I have no information on your question. I used Modern Coast so please check out their updated schedule, and terminal. I’m sure they would be able to help you where to obtain the yellow fever certificate as well. Good Luck!
Hi am from Uganda… U can whether u use passport or national ID .. Just go get vaccinated for yellow fever from any big hospital get yo yellow card . Go book your bus ticket return home pack don’t forget ( pen blank paper in case u need it . Toothpaste and brush . Mafuta yakujipaka and other helpful thing that easily get forgotten ) go exchange for Ugs if u in Nairobi in any bank or u can exchange at the border get ready to be on the bus stop an hour before. Pray before u leave .at the border u will climb down enter immigration if u a East African citizen u will fill in a small chat about u and proceed for an exit and enterly to Uganda.. that’s all Karibu Ug Karibu Kampala ….fill free Uganda is SOOO PEACEFULL if anyone disturbs u call me +254721957431 😆😊😂😂anyway u can call me if u want to know any thing else about your journey …. nakutakia safari Jema kaka …. lakini sithani kama border zimefunguliwa juu ya carona
I dont know whether you have travelled yet given the corona virus. But in case you havent and your question is still current please get the yellow fever certificate from the Nairobi City County Government Health Centre at City Hall. Alternatively, just head to Port Health Centre at JKIA. It operates 24/7.
Would it be possible to cross the border in your own vehicle, you think?
Yup! It’s very common to do that though haven’t done so myself. Just ask the necessary permit of the vehicle used.
Hi I want to cross from Kenya to Uganda and I only have the ID card will I be allowed to cross the border
Hi Isaac, I assume you’re a citizen of either Kenya or Uganda? Im sorry but off hand, I have no idea about the policies reg. East African nationals. I would say best to bring your passport or you can check with any bus operators crossing, Im sure they would know. Thanks and safe travels.
My Rwandan friend (Kenyan here) says you can travel along the northern corridor; Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda with your national ID. Nonetheless if you can get your passport get it. Yellow fever certificate is a must.
Hi am from Uganda… for ID it has no problem . Just go get vaccinated for yellow fever from any big hospital get yo yellow card . Go book your bus ticket return home pack don’t forget ( pen blank paper in case u need it . Toothpaste and brush . Mafuta yakujipaka and other helpful thing that easily get forgotten ) go exchange for Ugs if u in Nairobi in any bank or u can exchange at the border get ready to be on the bus stop an hour before. Pray before u leave .at the border u will climb down enter immigration if u a East African citizen u will fill in a small chat about u and proceed for an exit and enterly to Uganda.. that’s all Karibu Ug Karibu Kampala ….fill free Uganda is SOOO PEACEFULL if anyone disturbs u call me 254721957431 😆😊😂😂anyway u can call if u want to know any thing else …. safari Jema kaka …. lakini sithani kama border imefunguliwa
Hi guys
When taking buses across boarders in east africa, was getting a visa at the boarder a problem in terms of holding up the locals on the bus because they wouldn’t need a visa so whilst you were waiting for yours the whole bus was waiting for you?
No it’s not a problem at all. Everyone is used to it and understands the procedure so don’t worry about it.
Cheers for all of that information, that’s really helpful. I’m looking to travel from Kampala to Nairobi on a Ugandan visa and I’m British, to double check what you’re saying, once I’m in Kenya do I apply for a visa or would it be at the border crossing between Uganda /Kenya? Also, without Euros /dollars /sterling is it okay to pay in equivalent Ugandan/Kenyan shillings? Thanks!
Hi! You can get the visa on the border to Kenya. Note there’s an EAST AFRICA VISA also that will allow you to visit Kenya, Uganda,and Rwanda in one visa. See here: They will only accept Ugandan shillings up to the Uganda border so you’d have to exchange that money to Kenyan shillings to be able to use it in Kenya including the border.
Also, note that USD is always the best currency to bring, you can pay in sterling and euro but you’ll lose a lot in conversions. For example some places, you can pay 50 USD or 50 Euro and you don’t get a change for paying in EURO.
Can someone use identity card and yellow card only to travel to Uganda by bus
Other readers have said you can but I’m not sure so best to make further research. Let us know what you find out 🙂 Safe Travels!