Sustainable Travels in Africa
Traveling versus traveling sustainably.
Travel is a dream for many. Too often though, traveling becomes just another check on the bucket list or another photo on instagram posted to impress. But travelling can be so much more than that, it can help you better understand other people and cultures, bring better lives for those less fortunate and it can help save our planet. All that, while giving you an experience of a lifetime!
Tourism accounts for around 1 in 10 jobs worldwide according to WTTC. That makes tourism a great economic contributor and can in especially developing countries help bring people out of poverty. And not least, it brings all of us closer together, it creates connections and better understanding of other people from other countries, with other belief systems and different traditions.
So while flying and traveling has its disadvantages for the environment, Traveling Sustainably does not only even out the odds but actually brings more advantages. And with Africa being the least developed continent in the world, traveling sustainably here is even more important.
What is Sustainable Travel?
Sustainability means to satisfy the needs of the present without adversely affecting the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs. According to the dictionary, traveling means going to different places instead of staying in one place. Put together, Sustainable Travel or Sustainable Tourism means to briefly to travel and visit places without impacting the place negatively for future generations. (UNWTO)
In our own definition, Sustainable Travel simply means while you fulfill your dream of seeing the world, going on a safari game drive, and enjoying exciting new sumptuous meals among other things, you also take responsibility to ensure that your kids, and the kids of your kids, and the generations that follow them will still be able to enjoy the same, if not better things.
Within sustainable tourism, there are 3 main aspects that are important to maintain a suitable balance between according to the UNWTO.

(Fight global warming to protect the environment and improve our biodiversity)

(Respect local communities, conserve their cultural heritage and contribute to inter-cultural understanding)

(Ensure viable and long term economic operations that benefits all stakeholders evenly, including opportunities for the locals, and contribute to poverty alleviation)
Why Should I Travel More Sustainably?
Our average temperature are increasing and almost every year, we reach new weather and temperature records. If this trend continues, we will see more extreme weather conditions in the future which will make it increasingly difficult to live in many places around the world. In extreme scenarios, Africa will become a desert continent.
Conserve Natural Resources
Another negative impact we see is on our natural resources around the world. We have a biodiversity crisis, which puts our food and water supply at risk and we see a huge decrease in animals and insects around the world. We are currently using at least 25% more natural resources than our planet can sustain. Some numbers from Africa according to the Africa Wildlife Foundation; the Lion population has decreased with 43% in the past 21 years, black Rhinos have decreased by 97.6% since 1960 and the Mountain Gorilla is down to just above 1000 in population.
Preserve Local Culture, Historic Sites and Traditions
Our local culture, historic sites and traditions make us unique. This binds us to our history, without which we are nothing. Sustainable travel will ensure that these elements are preserved for generations ahead. Plus, sustainable travel benefits local communities by creating more opportunities for them through involvement and support. Take the Hadzabe Tribe in Tanzania, which are the last remaining hunter gatherers on Earth. Their numbers have declined to just around 1000, their hunting ground has significantly decreased and their lifestyle is rapidly changing as they become more and more dependent on tourism rather than their own way of life.
Benefits The Local Community
Local communities should be the recipient of the benefits of tourism. Unfortunately, more often, its the huge international companies or rich people from around the world who reaps the benefits. Sustainable travel ensures that money and investments stays locally to help and benefit both those that needs it, and those who is sharing their local community and even their homes with tourists. For example in Ethiopia, we visited a tribe called the Ari Tribe. Here, we hired a local guide who showed us around the local town showing us how they live and some of the crafts that sustained their living. Our local guide even invited us into his own home to meet his wife and kid.
Help Alleviate Poverty
As already mentioned, tourism accounts for 1 in 10 jobs worldwide. So the one important way tourism can help is to create jobs that helps people get out of poverty. In a lot of 3rd world countries, tourism can often be one of the most important economic drivers for local communities and in Africa it is no different. Unfortunately today, more than half of the extreme poor around the world lives in Sub-Saharan Africa and by 2030 that number may increase to as much as 9 out of 10 according to the world bank.
Today, about half of all travel takes place in just 10 countries all from the developed world. This shows why sustainable travel is so important; the economic benefits it can bring to countries that needs it are huge.
Improve Your Travel Experience
Lastly, and not an unimportant point as well. If you travel more sustainably, you will have a better trip all together. A better experience! This is our promise to you 🙂 Sustainable travel gives you a better understanding of the places you visit and the people you meet. A more authentic experience. You will be more in one with nature, create meaningful relationships and help people in need at the places you visit.
How Can I Travel More Sustainably?
There are a lot of things that can and should be done to make travel more sustainable. Some, you will experience and can impact directly yourself as a tourist, such as buying from local shops, avoid single use plastic or avoid flying. However, a lot of things take place “Behind the Scene” and you won’t even notice it at all. Things like waste management, water conservation, and energy efficient equipment are things that you won’t necessarily be able to see or impact yourself. So here, it is important that you have a way to ensure these are still managed effectively and and follows the principles of Sustainable Tourism.
How Can I Travel More Sustainably?
There are a lot of things that can and should be done to make travel more sustainable. Some, you will experience and can impact directly yourself as a tourist, such as buying from local shops, avoid single use plastic or avoid flying. However, a lot of things take place “Behind the Scene” and you won’t even notice it at all. Things like waste management, water conservation, and energy efficient equipment are things that you won’t necessarily be able to see or impact yourself. So here, it is important that you have a way to ensure these are still managed effectively and and follows the principles of Sustainable Tourism.

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