What To Do While in Africa

What To Do While in Africa

Africa is a continent of infinite variety.  You will hardly scratch the surface on a single visit. Even today, there are remote regions where man has rarely ventured. When you first look at the activities the Continent can offer, you will find difficulty in deciding...
An Intro Guide for Filipinos about Traveling to Africa

An Intro Guide for Filipinos about Traveling to Africa

Africa is a continent just like how Asia is. Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, etc. are all countries within the African continent just like how Philippines, Korea, Japan, and Thailand all belong to Asia. I’m stressing this fact because I’ve been asked questions by fellow Filipinos like “Is Africa close to Kenya?”.

6 Steps to Plan your Safari in Africa

6 Steps to Plan your Safari in Africa

When planning a vacation to Africa, some people already have their hearts set on a country or two. Others, on the other hand, are still completely clueless. We prepared several tips that are not necessarily in order but are laid out to help you to kickstart your...